Wayne Township of Marion County Indiana

Severe Weather Preparedness Week in Indiana is March 10-16, 2024. The National Weather Service, in conjunction with the Indiana State Police, the Indiana Department of Homeland Security, the Indiana Department of Education, the Indiana Broadcasters Association, the American Red Cross, and Amateur Radio Operators will conduct a statewide test of communication systems on Tuesday, March 12 at 10:15 AM EDT.
As part of NWS efforts to build a Weather-Ready Nation, the goal of Severe Weather Preparedness Week is to better educate people about the hazards of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes and to help everyone be prepared when severe weather occurs. Each day will focus on a different topic:
Sunday: Kick-Off: Discuss partners' roles in severe weather (Traducido al español)
Monday: Severe Weather Outlooks and Watches: Partners' roles at the outlook and watch stages of an event (Traducido al español)
Tuesday: Warnings: Taking action when warnings are issued (Statewide Tornado Drill Day) (Traducido al español)
Wednesday: Response: Partners' roles in responding to disasters (real-time response) (Traducido al español)
Thursday: Recovery: Partners' roles in the recovery process (days/weeks/months after disaster) (Traducido al español)
Friday: Weather-Ready Nation: How we are working to build a Weather-Ready Nation (Traducido al español)
Saturday: Wrap-Up: Importance of preparedness and action during threatening hazards (Traducido al español)
Click here for a kids' activity booklet from the Indiana Department of Homeland Security. Severe weather safety information in Spanish can be found here. Aquí encontrará información en español sobre seguridad en caso de inclemencias meteorológicas.